Eating & Drinking
- Don’t let it continue throughout the day. Limit to 4 or 5 periods.
- This especially includes apple juice, raisins. Residual fruit sugars easily damage baby teeth.
- Restricting unlimited contact between food and teeth is the most important factor in preventing cavities!
- Remember: thorough brushing is more important than frequent brushing.
- Thorough flossing is just as important.
- Most kids under 7 are going to need assistance.
- Regular hygiene is the second most important factor in preventing cavities!
- Important for teeth that haven’t broken through the gums!
- Available as tablets or drops, or in most municipal (not private) water supplies.
- Use fluoride toothpaste and mouthwash with teeth that have broken through.
- Fluoride is the third most important factor in preventing cavities!
The post Preventing Cavities in Your Baby’s Teeth appeared first on Complete Dental Care.