martes, 5 de septiembre de 2017

Sterilization In Our Practice


Dental ToolsDentistry, like any other science, has evolved over time. We’ve come a long way from the old days of “drill and fill” to a new era of sophisticated technology and technique. And along with this growth has come a new understanding of sterilization and infection control.

With a variety of serious illnesses that can be cross-communicated, sterilization protocols have been dramatically refined. And for our practice, there is no “enough.”

For starters, we use physical barriers over every possible surface. We use disposable products wherever we can one use. And all surfaces are wiped clean and disinfected between patients, every time. All instruments are ultrasonically treated, bagged, and steam-autoclaved.

No virus, no spores, no bacteria.

We’ve made a substantial investment in our safety program, but time and money aren’t our highest priority. Your safety is. To that end, our greatest safeguard is people. I’m proud of our team. They’re experienced, well-trained, and committed to careful, caring dentistry. because the best sterilization system in the world is only as good as the people who make it work.

All these safety measures don’t come cheap. Along with the use of disposables and our investment in the best equipment, the cost of performing quality dentistry over the years has, predictably, gone up. But let’s not lose sight of why we do all this. It’s for your health. And we can’t place a dollar value on that.

Quality dentistry in a caring, safe and concerned environment. That’s what we strive to provide.

The post Sterilization In Our Practice appeared first on Complete Dental Care.
